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Аватар ben

Viagra prescription online

Категория:  Препараты  | Автор:  ben | Опубликовано: 15.05.2016
How to get viagra prescription online Pain in the neck and shoulder region may be due to infection, intoxication, trauma, cold, cervical degenerative disc disease, and others. The cervical cross is characterized by acute pain arising in the neck, worse turning the head to the opposite side and flexion of the neck. When probing painful neck muscles. When radicular syndrome, shoulder pain occurs in the area of the shoulder girdle and the shoulder blade and give in. Often, they are amplified when you cough, sharp turns of the head and torso, with abduction and laying her hands behind her back. Movement of the shoulder joint is limited, found weak points in the supraclavicular, subclavian, suprascapular areas and along the nerve trunks. Alternative viagra When the pain in the neck and shoulder region is very effective reflexology. For this purpose, use a massage at the following points (see Figure 37-40.) In the localization of the pain in the neck area - Hsin-she (34), Chien-ching (39), Tien-yu (35), Tian Chuan (29) pain in the shoulder - Chien-yu (36), Chien-ching (39), Jian wai-shu (40), Nao-shu (37) Bi-nao (93), Chien-chen (38). Apply strong braking method by deep pressure on the point for 3-5 minutes. The procedure is performed on a daily basis, can be 2 times - morning and evening. The course of treatment - 7-10 sessions. The same point is particularly painful, you can massage the pad of his thumb for 2-3 seconds, repeat 10-15 times.
In the neck-shoulder pain are effective application of metal plates and balls (especially after a cold, trauma) to the most tender points used for massage, as well as in places where the cervical and thoracic spinal roots, parallel to the spine (Fig. 41). Metal plates or beads paste and left for 3-5 days. Painful menstruation
Painful menstruation occur as a result of infantilism (retardation of development), an incorrect position of the uterus, inflammatory processes in the genital organs. It is noted pain in the abdomen, extending to the sacrum, or the inner thighs. They appear How to get viagra prescription online a few days before menstruation or immediately before it or during it. Pain is accompanied by increased nervous irritability, headache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and sometimes fainting. In such cases, patients are unable to work.
Acupressure should be started 2-3 days before menstruation. Massage performed by soothing by gentle pressure for 3-5 minutes for each point. The lumbosacral area is used (Fig. 42) point: San-chiao-shu (50), Shen-shu (51), Shan-liao (57), Tzu Liao (58) Chung-Liao (59) abdomen - Qi-hai (70), Guan yuan (71), Chung-chi (72), Da-hae (74), on the lower limbs - San-yin-jiao (106), Tai-si (109) . Very useful is the impact on the sacral point Namikoshi Shiatsu method (Fig. 43), and pressing his hand on the lower abdomen above the pubis. Each point is pressed for 3 seconds. Total produce up to 10 compressions. Application of copper plates or steel balls at the How to get viagra prescription online point of the lumbosacral region in the abdomen and point San-yin-jiao (106) for 3-5 days and gives a good therapeutic effect.

How to get viagra prescription online
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